Call The Royal Treatment Center at 817-284-LICE or email [email protected] to order these products and proactively keep your family “Lice Free”.
We will ship the same day or visit us during normal business hours and we have all of the products available for sale in our store.

Lice & Nit Eliminating Mouse and Nit Glue Dissolver
- Working in as little as 15 minutes, this easy-to-use mousse dissolves the glue that holds lice eggs (nits) to the hair shaft.
- Made with naturally occurring enzymes, this mousse harmlessly removes lice and nits' pesticide-free.
- Thoroughly saturate hair with one or more applications and massage lightly to work into hair.
- Can repeat in 3 days.

Nit Free Mint Spray
- REPELS LICE. For use on Hair, Hats, Helmets, Coats, Back packs, Furniture etc.
- Made with essential oils, this spray effectively covers hair, skin, and clothing with a pleasant scent that is naturally offensive to lice and their friends.
- Unlike pesticide-based lice-fighting formulas, Nit Free Spray is safe to use as often as necessary, without lengthy waiting periods for effectiveness.
- Use with Nit Free Lice Mousse and the Nit Free Terminator Lice Comb (all sold separately) for comprehensive, non-toxic lice relief.
- Each pack contains one 16-ounce bottle of Nit Free Peppermint Lice Prevention Spray.
- Lice treatment prevention that works.

Terminator Lice & Nit Comb
- Great compliment to any lice removal product
- Long, metal teeth with microscopic edges in a tight spiral form
- Stainless steel design with anti-slip bands
- Rounded edges protect the scalp
- Easy to clean