Do you wonder if you or your child has head lice? We offer individual and family head checks to help identify possible infestations. We strongly encourage this before you waste time, money and the frustration of needlessly treating someone. Standard head checks are $35.00 per family member based on 15 minute assessment. *Based on hair type and thickness, rates may increase up to $60.00.
If a family member is found to have head lice and decides to be treated at our facility, 50% of head check fee will be credited towards the treatment of that individual.

Standard head checks are $35.00 per family member based on 15 minute assessment. *Based on hair type and thickness, rates may increase up to $60.00.
If a family member is found to have head lice and decides to be treated at our facility, 50% of head check fee will be credited towards the treatment of that individual.
We have an annual prepay headcheck plan – 1 headcheck per month for 12 months for $150.00.

You can sponsor a child in need, please let us know and we can provide with a tax donation form.